Friday, July 17, 2015

Crazy Eyes

Wm has been working every day at Clubhouse on a storyboard for a game he has created called Martian Invasion. It is creepily detailed and he has all sorts of rules and regulations. He is super proud of it!!
Cover page
Page 1
Page 2
Page 3
Pages 4 and 5 are kind of boring and filled with text so I didn't bother to take pictures. Even though I love that Wm is being creative and using his imagination, playing his game is torture. It is so boring and involved - and, of course, he wins every time since he made up the rules! Sadly, I have to pretend to be enjoying myself when we play so he thinks I'm having a grand time. Luckily, Steve is his usual victim in game playing because they can use their weird video game language to talk about things while they are playing. Steve is the best dad ever!!

Wm has discovered that crossing his eyes freaks his father and I out. So he now does it all the time and laughs and laughs at us. Not. Cool.

At breakfast this morning…
Me: Did you make your bed?
Wm: I forgot.
Me: Well, you can do it when you go up to brush your teeth before you leave.
Wm: Ugh.
[15 minutes later, after I went upstairs to brush my teeth first]
Me: Hey, you said you forgot your bed! It was halfway made. So you just need to finish it off.
Steve: Halfway made?
Me: Yeah. It wasn't made, but you could see he at least attempted something.
Steve: *I* made it!!!
Me: That was supposed to be a made bed?
Steve: YES.
Me: Hmmmm.  Well, good start, buddy. Good start.
Steve: [grumps]

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