Saturday, January 17, 2015


Wm says he is "85% better." He has no fever, no headache, no chills, and he says his stomach only "slightly" hurts. So he's just been eating light foods and taking it easy (for Wm). However, Steve and I have a suspicion he may be dragging this ailment out because he has been allowed to just lay on the couch and play on the iPad during his convalescence.  Now that we have finished Ender's Game, I got the movie (weirdly starring Harrison Ford) and we will watch that later. I plan to reinstate the screen limits tomorrow...then we'll see if he is 100% better!  We started reading A Wrinkle in Time yesterday. MUCH better than Ender's Game so far!

And, in super double awesome news, the sewer guys came out today and camera-ed the entire line now that they can get passed the breakage. The guy said it was absolutely perfect and called it "golden." He said our line doesn't look nearly 100 years old and we shouldn't ever have to replace the whole thing (like Roto Rooter tried to say we need to do NOW). I guess he said he's never seen a "more perfect pitch" and it flows beautifully. I guess that's what you want in a sewer line? He told us he just came from a 5 year old new build and their sewer line was in waaaaay worse shape and they will probably have to run a whole new line for them. I guess they knew how to build stuff a hundred years ago! We are SO RELIEVED. Whew!!!!!

Steve and I should be able to finish the basement off today! Woot! I realized I never took any before pictures and our basement is so dank and gross that an after picture will just look like a gross basement without any appreciation for how super gross it was BEFORE. Oh well. We will know the level of grossness we overcame.

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