Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Well, I did knock out the cold!  Cory's Plan of Health wins again!  Although, not before I gave it to Steve, so now he's all sick and pathetic.  He is not an adherent to Cory's Plan of Health, so he is all mopey.  There has been some interest in what, exactly, Cory's Plan of Health is, so here it is (easy peasy):
Every single day...
- take a multivitamin
- take calcium
- take a probiotic
- take vitamin D
- take astragalus
- take a 30 minute walk (recently, snow shoveling has been subbed for this)
- 15 minutes of weights/yoga
When I start to feel like I may be getting sick (throat tickle, stuffy nose), I add...
- a tablespoon of honey in the morning and at night
- an extra astragalus capsule
- use neti pot every day
- gargle with salt water morning/night
until I feel all better.  So now it's been over a year and I haven't gotten a cold that would impact my daily life.  I'm sure it's only a matter of time, but last year at this time, I'd had 4-5 yucky things.  So, going from 5 to 0 is a big improvement!

Wm said two HILARIOUS things last night, but Steve says I am not allowed to post them.  He's always ruining my fun.  I guess Wm may be embarrassed by the fact I posted them online when he's older.  Shame.  He is one funny dude.  He did do something funny that is web appropriate...

Yesterday I was out shoveling and Wm was playing in the snow in our backyard.  So I yell out, "Wm, I'm done!  I'm cold and wet, so I'm going inside now!" Then, I went inside.  About 10 minutes later, I hear from outside, "MOMMMMMMY!"  So I run out to find Wm in tears.  He was like, "you left and I couldn't find you!"  So apparently he didn't hear I said I was going in.  I was like, "Dude, what is your deal?  You were lost in your own front yard?  If you couldn't find me, just...WALK INTO YOUR OWN HOUSE."  He was like, "Hmph.  Don't leave me places."  I was like, "I LEFT YOU IN YOUR OWN YARD."  But Wm was mad at me and ignored me for at least a half hour before I was forgiven for abandoning him in his own yard.

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