Saturday, March 26, 2011

Chores Rock!

Time to come clean: we totally cheaped out on Wm's first bed.  We figured that he we bespoil it somehow (vomit, pee...who knew?) and there was no need to get him a nice mattress.  More fool us.  Wm never did anything to his mattress - but the thing was so cheap that the springs started to pop out.  So we had to go mattress shopping today.  We let Wm pick out his own mattress - and he insisted on laying on every mattress in the place.  Getting it home strapped to the top of our tiny car was exciting.  But Wm is now the proud owner of a nice, new, very comfy mattress.  The real impetus for this mattress expedition is that during a thunderstorm, Wm slept with me and Steve went in and slept in his bed.  I think Steve just didn't want to sleep in that thing again if there was another storm!

In other news, we decided a couple weeks ago that Wm was old enough to fold his own laundry.  So I gave him a quick instructional demo on how it's done and turned him loose.  It did not go well.  It took 2 hours.  For every item that got folded, there was at least 15 minutes of wailing along the lines of, "I hate this!", "Why are you doing this to me?!!?", "PLEEEEEASE make it stop!"  All of which were ignored.  We told him if he wanted to wear clothes, he had to take care of them.  So 2 hours later he had balls of "folded"clothes that I took upstairs and refolded (unbeknownst to Wm) and put them away.  This week...whole different tune!!  I think we made our point last weekend that there was no escape regardless of the level of whining.  So Wm quickly and deftly got out his clothes, folded them all, and was happily done in under 20 minutes.  Not one whine or complaint.  And he did a GREAT job!!!!!  I was SO impressed.  To celebrate Wm's awesomeness, we did a happy dance and I made him s'more bars (which are currently in the oven!)  Wm was flush with his success and said he can't wait to fold again next week!  SCORE!

Wm folding away!

The finished product - 100% done by Wm!!

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