Sunday, January 30, 2011

You Chose...Poorly

Last night we had Suzanne over for dinner, Wm had a great time - he loves Suzanne.  And Suzanne loves Lego Harry Potter.  So they had a very in-depth conversation about Lego Xbox games.  After a while, when the conversation moved on from games, Wm disappeared up into his room to build stuff.  He is currently playing Lego Indiana Jones (a Christmas gift from Uncle Drew and Aunt Jess!) so his youtube searches involve Indiana Jones.  When I went up to tell him it was bed time, he was standing in the middle of his room, clutching the laptop to his chest and looking very weird.  So I go, "what's wrong, dude?"  He gives me The Big Eyes and says, "I was watching Lego Indiana Jones stuff...then I clicked on something.  Aaaaand...I saw some content that was inappropriate for kids."  Torn between amusement and concern, I ask, "Inappropriate HOW?  Like bad words or violence?"  (One thing we've discovered is 11-13 year old boys find it high-larious to take their Lego guys and make them say all sorts of offensive things on video and then post it to youtube under simple headings like, "Lego Indiana Jones Goes to the Store.") Wm says, "Scary."  So I go, "Well, what did you see?"  He goes, "This guy drank from a cup, then his hair grew really long, and he turned into a skeleton!"  Immediately, I recognize the "you chose poorly" Holy Grail scene from The Last Crusade and say, "oh, yeah...that is a bit scary."  But it's scary in an 80's special affects sort of way and in no way would warp a young mind, so I felt a lot better.  Then I just thought it was 100% funny until Wm woke up in the middle of the night crying because he had a nightmare.  Inappropriate content for kids, indeed.

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