Wm has had a very productive day! First, he said himself that now that he's 10, he thinks he should do his own laundry (he said, "I need to be more independent.") So I showed him how, and Wm did his laundry from start to finish! To reach into the washer, he practically had to climb in there, and it did freak me out a little bit! But he survived.
Wm has long enjoyed helping me bake (he has helped with scones and cookies and cakes), but he has never really cooked anything. So I told him a great way to be more independent is to learn how to cook. One meal a week is now "Wm's meal." He will decide what the family is eating, add the ingredients to the shopping list, and then cook it! Well, the actual deal we made is that while he's 10, "cooking it" involves being my sous chef. Then, when he turns 11, I become HIS sous chef. Then, when he's 12, he's just 100% in charge of Wm's meal.
Tonight, Wm decided to make black bean flautas. Wm loves black beans! He preheated the oven, shredded the cheese, added the beans to the tortillas, rolled them up, "painted" them with olive oil, and actually put them into the oven! While they cooked, he helped me make corn/peas as the side and set the table. And...they were DELICIOUS! Wm's first meal was a huge success! Next week, he has selected tacos (just like Donald Trump, Wm loves Hispanics!)
Wm enjoying his meal |
His first Wm Meal! |
I told Steve he's never enthusiastic about things I send him. So today, I texted him a picture of a dress I was thinking of getting to see what he thought. Typically, his reply would be something like, "OK." or [ignore]. But, today, he tried...
Smart ass |