Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hippity Hoppity

Wm woke up to a visit from the Easter Bunny!  Since it's rainy, the Easter Bunny had to hide Wm's eggs inside.  Wm didn't seem to mind the indoor egg hunt. But the main attraction was The Easter Basket of Awesomeness.  While the EB did bring Wm a bit of candy, the REAL treat was 2 mystery Lego guys!  Wm put them together right away and discovered a man in a gorilla suit (actually really sweet!) and a hockey player with real lego ice skates!  Wm has said he will share his Easter candy with Mom and Dad.  If nothing else, Wm is an awesome sharer.  And a bad eater.  That kid would go his entire life without eating and starve to death if we didn't coerce him into eating.  He is even fairly indifferent to "treats" and candy.  I seriously have no idea where he GETS that!  But - the silver lining is that I will eat 2/3 of Wm's Easter candy and he wont' give a fig.  Bonus for me!

Making eggs!  We colored on them with crayons first, then dyed them, then covered them in stickers.  They were very decorated.

The finished product.  Only 3 got broken in the process!  WINNING!

First thing Easter morning.  Notice how Wm can't take his eyes off his basket o' goodies!

Finding eggs!

Very subtle, Easter Bunny.

Found the last egg!!! That means it's time for breakfast!

Thursday, April 21, 2011


It was parent/teacher conference day.  And Wm is doing great!!  MUCH better report than when Meanie was around.  Apparently, Wm has a major case of senioritis.  Ben, his teacher, said Wm is kind of bored in preschool and definitely ready for kindergarten.  He said Wm is "just so intelligent," that he has surpassed all the classroom activities.  My main concern was Wm's readiness and Ben was like, "he is DEFINITELY ready!"  This is especially good to hear because Ben was a kindergarten teacher before coming to Wm's classroom.  So he knows what it takes to be ready to go!  He also said Wm is hilarious (of course) and says the funniest things.  He says he enjoys Wm A LOT.

Wm is getting geared up for Easter this weekend.  He's not super excited (though he is looking forward to candy) because Easter is just an obstacle on the road to being 5.  He is eagerly awaiting his birthday!!

Wm has taken a MAJOR interest in Dr. Seuss.  His favorite book is The Lorax.  They have it at school and he apparently reads it all the time.  Ben went on and on about Wm's love of Dr. Seuss.  And, because I think Dr. Seuss is a genius, I'll end with my two favorite Dr. Seuss quotes:

"Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." 
"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." 

Steve, being an awesome husband, sewing up my ripped dress.  He's super talented. And domesticated.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Best Mom a Kid Could Have

Since Steve works all weekend and it is gross and rainy, I unveiled a Lego kit that we have been hoarding since Christmas.  The Lego store put a bunch of kits on sale for 50% off right after the holidays so Steve and I got a bunch and stored them in the basement for just such emergencies.  When I gave it to Wm, he screamed, "you are the best mom a kid could have!"  Wm's affections can easily be bought with Legos.  Because he was singing a different tune a couple hours later when I arrived in his room carrying a basket of his laundry for him to fold!

Steve just got home from work and discovered that I had used up all the milk today.  So he goes, "I won't have any milk for breakfast tomorrow!" I reply, "You will if SOMEONE goes to the store tonight."  And Steve says, "And who would that SOMEONE be?" Wm pipes up from the next room, "That SOMEONE is YOU, Daddy!"

Wm building Legos at Mimi's last weekend

Friday, April 15, 2011

For Spite

Wm is awesome.  He tells Steve that he's going to destroy his lego building and Steve goes, "why would you do that, man?"  Wm's response: "for spite."

Love that kid.  He is good for endless laughs.  And, also, there's nothing I love more than spiting poor Steve...who is now adrift in a sea of evil family members.  We've got him outnumbered two to one.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


Prepare yourselves for the funniest Wm story ever...

We took Wm out for ice cream since it's so warm.  By the time we get home, he already covered in melted ice cream.  So we tell him he has to finish it on the front porch so he doesn't drip everywhere in the house.  He's wearing brand new shorts.  Covered.  Sticky.  Stained.  So I go, "Wm, you are completely covered in ice cream! Those shorts are practically ruined!"  Wm's response: "DUH....WINNING!!!!!!!"


It's 83 degrees outside right now - it feels like summer!  We are all in heaven!  Since Wm has outgrown naps, he now has a 2 hour "quiet play time" in the afternoon.  Which, basically, means he needs to go someplace else and play by himself instead of harassing maintains our sanity sans nap.  Usually, quiet play happens in Wm's room, but since it is so nice out, I gave him the exciting news that we think he's old enough to have quiet play in the backyard.  I expected this would be awesome news.  Not so much.  First, Wm insisted that he just wanted to play in his room.  I enticed him by giving him all the equipment to make mud pies and informing him that he could get as dirty as he wanted and make as much mud as he wanted.  Not interested.  So then I tell him he could go on a worm and/or bug hunt.  Nothing.  I suggested he try to dig a giant hole.  Vacant stare.  Finally, I got exasperated and said, "BEING OUTSIDE IS GOOD FOR YOU, MAN!"  Seriously.  What kind of kid doesn't want to play outside?!?  So once he's coerced into agreeing to play outside, then he seems freaked out to be out there by himself and kept coming to the backdoor and staring forlornly inside and going, "is someone watching me?"  Using my keen intellect, I decide that having Lego guys out there will increase his fun.  So I collect a ton of them in a truck and take them out.  That, coupled with the sandbox, finally hit pay dirt.  Wm played happily and quietly on his own for quite a while.  I went out after an hour and asked him if he wanted to come inside and he goes, "no, I'm having fun now - I'll tell you when I'm ready."  About a half hour later, he trouped in red-faced and sweaty.  He's now playing Xbox.  We had a good run...

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Rockin' & Rollin'

Steve and I got to go see an awesome concert this evening - and while we were rockin' out, Wm got to go spend the night at Mimi's.  When we got home, Steve goes, "we should have done more awesome things like that before we had Wm."  I don't think I would have had the energy.  I am exhausted!  It was a suuuuuper long show that had 6 bands.  But tickets were only $5!  Steve was fairly grumpy about the whole business because he was told by the friend who procured the tickets (who shall remain nameless) that the Flobots would there. Flobots.  They were at least year's show.  But we did get to see Ra Ra Riot!

Steve and I rockin' out!

Things got grittier as the night wore on...

Meanwhile, Mimi got three lego sets and a couple games to entertain Wm while he was there.  He was THRILLED to arrive and find brand new lego sets to play with!!  We'll probably have to drag him home tomorrow.  

I will part with a funny picture of Wm.  He put on one of Steve's shirt (that fit him like a full length dress!) and then Steve tied the arms behind his back, straight jacket style.  Wm found this endlessly amusing.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Hippity Hoppity

We took Wm to see Hop this weekend and he was SUPER good!  No freaking out at all!!!  So hopefully he is over his weird movie thing.  Which is great because I love movies!  I was hoping to take him to see Paul.  But then I saw it was rated R.  So I'll have to wait at least a year. :)

It was weirdly warm today - but lots of crazy storms.  As I'm driving Wm home from school I go, "Look at the river, buddy!  It's so high!" and Wm says, "We won't have a tsunami here, right?  We don't live on the ocean!"  Apparently Wm has been watching the news.  I assured him we were in no danger of a tsunami.  And then he goes, "Did you know there is a whole city in the sea with water for streets!"  I told him it was called Venice and his Dad had been there.  So then he made Steve tell Venice stories all night and insists he is going to Venice this summer.

And lastly, I will leave you with this gem of a sentence that Wm came out with evening: "We, like, totally went outside this afternoon, and, like, it was crazy warm!"  And as he's saying this, his tiny hands are flapping in the air to really drive the point home.  I have no idea where he gets it.

Friday, April 1, 2011

April Fool's!

Wm really got into the spirit of April Fool's Day!  He walked in the door and I asked, "how are you?" He sighs and goes, "I had a rough day...a really rough day."  So I go, "Oh, no, dude, what happened?" And he laughs and laughs and yells, "APRIL FOOL!!!!"  He's an evil genius.  And totally my son.