Saturday, July 27, 2013

Vaca: Weather Disaster

After a very long day in the car, we pulled into Empire, MI yesterday - and into pouring rain and temps in the 50's.  The house we are renting is super, super cute.  Lake Michigan is AMAZING (the most gorgeous beaches I have ever seen, besides Bermuda). The town is darling and touristy in a cute way.  But...we literally could not have worse weather in late July.  It never got above 55 degrees today and rained ALL DAY.  It's supposed to be the same tomorrow.  We did all sorts of fun stuff today despite the weather!  We plan to do the same tomorrow.  But, I gotta say, I think we're all bummed not to be slugging around on the beach and swimming.  It's supposed to warm up and clear up Tuesday.  Fingers crossed!!! Today we went hiking in the dunes, walked along the beach, shopped and walked around the little downtown, went to Cherry Republic and got all sorts of cherry stuff, and Wm has had a perm-game of Monopoly going.
Checking out the visitor's center - and bear hat/mittens combo
Steve was matter what!
Captain NoTooth, beachfront
The dunes just drop off into the water/mist  - so cool!

Awesome beach
Hiking in the dunes in the rain
That dune is SO MUCH BIGGER than it looks

Wm and Steve ran to the top
View from the top of the dune
Finally starting to clear up!

Cute/cold beachcombers...

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