Sunday, July 7, 2013


After Steve got home yesterday, we went to see our first Clippers game!  (Well, my first in the fancy stadium, and Steve & Wm's first ever.) We went with Wm's BFF and fam, so I think Wm actually watched about 3 seconds of actual baseball.  Since nothing could be more boring than watching baseball (I'd even rather watch soccer, I think...nah, never mind - soccer is worse), I only watched about 3 minutes myself.  I probably annoyed the heck out of our friends by talking their ear off the entire game.  But I did enjoy all the nice restaurants they have inside the stadium now and walking around and checking things out.  There is a City BBQ in there, so we got to have a yummy dinner! Wm got a cow bell, so he was happy.  He could never figure out exactly when was the right time to ring it, so he was always randomly ringing the thing. Clearly, we did not think through that purchase.

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