Saturday, July 20, 2013


Suzanne came over for dinner last night and Steve took Wm upstairs to get him ready for bed.  When they came downstairs, Wm announced: "me and Daddy both have headaches from your guys' constant talking."

Wm had his last Saturday baseball game today!  I think he is actually a bit relieved.  They have 2 games a week - and they are fairly long.  He's plumb tuckered out!

And, the Big News - the final vacation countdown is here!!  We are taking off work a day early to pack and go to the Ohio State Fair.  Then, very soon, it's off to Sleeping Bear Dunes!!! SO PUMPED! We got a giant life vest for Wm, so we are hoping he will actually get into the water and enjoy himself.  Plus, we are looking forward to dune sledding, eating a ton of cherries, watching the sunset over the lake, hiking, golfing, canoeing...and, most especially, laying on the beach like slugs.

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