Wednesday, July 31, 2013


The rain has finally stopped and it's ALMOST warm enough to enjoy a swim (that hasn't stopped us from taking some very cold dips!) Wm doesn't like the water (surprise), but has been having the time of his life building sand castles.  Steve and I went out and had a fire on the beach the other night.  We saw SO MANY stars it was crazy!!!!!  And we headed out to a 50's style drive-in theater and saw Turbo last night.  It ended at after 11PM, so we skipped the double feature (The Wolverine) and headed home.  Wm was out like a light as soon as his head hit the pillow!

Steve by firelight!
Right after sunset at the beach
We went to a little country restaurant before the drive-in.  It was super cute!
Wm getting ready for the show! (It didn't start for another 2 hours.)

We found ways to entertain ourselves before the show
Wm got the most giantest popsicle of all time
Show time!!!

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