Dear William,
I can't believe you are five years old already! It's so interesting how, at the same time, I can hardly remember my life before you were in it and it seems like only yesterday I first held your tiny, fragile body in arms. And when I looked down at your tiny, puckered, Mr. Magoo baby face, I dreamt of how you would be as you grew. Now that you are 5, you are everything I dreamed, and so much more!
You are so funny. And smart. Wicked smart. And wickedly funny. You are kind, and generous, always the best sharer! You are shy, but you never stop talking. You are scared of thunderstorms, but will hang from the rafters. You are a stubborn little Dutchman - you know your own mind. You make me laugh, and you make me cry. I wouldn't have you any other way. You are perfect, just as you are.
Sometimes, when you're sleeping (the only time you're still), your dad and I will sneak into your room and watch you. We can't believe you are ours - and that you came from us. For nearly 10 years, I loved your dad more than anything in the world...then came you, and our family, and my heart, grew to include you. Now both would be incomplete without you!! You and your dad are My Boys. My Favorite Boys. I love you both so much!
So now you're five. And that seems SO BIG! But, really, you are still so small. And have so much more growing to do. I hope you know that you always come number one for me, and for your dad. We always think of you first. I hope that makes you feel secure, instead of spoiled rotten! I wish for you, the knowledge that you are always loved...and cherished. I hope that makes you feel strong enough to be your own man, and chart your own path. To do what you love and find happiness in the small things. When you lived in my belly, I played the song "Simple Man"for you all the time. I would listen to that song and think how it said so beautifully everything I wanted to tell you....
Love, Mommy